Monday, July 30, 2012

Support Your Wife Post-Delivery

Has a bundle of joy joined your family – a new born baby? Are you looking for tips to help your wife taking care of your child?

A newly born baby takes both 
parents to a roller-coaster ride. 
A newly born baby takes both parents to a roller-coaster ride. But, it is only the mother who is flooded with relationship advice on how to become a good mum while new fathers easily escape the responsibility.

Giving birth to a newborn is a real tough task for a woman. It is the time when she goes through lot of pain and trauma after which she expects her partner to read her mind and show wisdom in relationships.

She wants her husband to stay by her side every time she feels the need for a helping hand. She desires him to sense her every unexpressed need. She longs for his support every time her eyes get moistened.

Here is some relationship help for a new father to support his wife post-delivery.

Take Initiative with Childcare Basics

As a father, begin your relationship communication with your child through touch – the very first sense that an infant develops. You should take initiative with some childcare basics. Hold, carry, stroke, rock, caress, and massage your baby and feel the joy of seeing her fall asleep on your bare chest.

Engage her in a baby talk. Sing to her. Make silly noises. You will start feeling a strong bond with your baby in a few days. You can also help your wife in comforting, diapering, bathing, and entertaining your baby.

These initiatives will not only provide some relief to the new mother but also helps you strengthening your bond with your wife and newborn baby. Every time you talk, walk, and play with your baby, it lays down the foundation of a beautiful relationship that you can cherish for rest of your life.

Understand and Help Your Wife

It may be frustrating for you to see the home in mess and dinner not prepared. But you should understand your wife’s problem that looking after a baby leaves very little time for rest of the activities. In fact, you should help her in household chores.

Try to be awake with your wife in nighttime feeding. Surprise her with a morning tea or breakfast. Handle the laundry and kitchen on weekends. It is understandable that doing all these things may get even stressful for you. But, seeing your child growing everyday will be enough for you to forget your problems. 

Tell your wife, she is doing a great job with the baby and family. Ensure her that you will help her in any situation. Ask her if she is having her meals on time. Show concern about her diet as she breastfeeds the baby. It is very important to give back some nurturing to the mum as well. 

Friday, July 13, 2012

Support Your Unemployed Husband With Love

“The purpose of a relationship is not to have another who might complete you, but to have another with whom you might share your completeness.” —  Neale Donald Walsch

Has your husband recently lost his job? Is he getting annoyed at almost everything or behaving in a strange manner? It is the time for you to take control over the situation before it gets worse! 

Marriage relationships have their moments of both happiness and haplessness. The beauty of being married lies in the sharing of feelings, effortlessly and instinctively. One glance at your partner’s face can tell you if he is in a bad mood or a look into the twinkling eyes can make you feel happy and positive about life.

Losing a job without having another in hand is one of the most painful and difficult experiences for a man. All of a sudden you may find yourself without the security of a paid job, facing an uncertain future and it is a trying time indeed.

It is always heartbreaking for a man to lose his job as it directly hurts a man’s ego. Unemployment of the husband is one of the most sensitive issues in a marriage as it may lead to enormous stress and depression in men. Hence, you need to be doubly careful while handling this issue.

Here is some advice for relationship that may help you support your unemployed husband:

Do not create a hullabaloo

Do not over-react if he loses his job all of a sudden. Handle it with patience and a positive attitude and do not let your husband sense your worry as it is only going to increase his stress. It might be a while before he gets another suitable job. Be calm and wait for things to get better.     

Show your confidence in his abilities

A jobless husband can have a touchy, sensitive ego which smarts at an over-sympathetic response. Show confidence in his abilities and assure him of your faith in him and in a brighter future. Be the one in the marriage relationship who keeps the chin up and spirit high.

Do not seek his help in domestic chores

Do not force your husband to help you in kitchen, laundry or kitchen if he is not willing as it rubs in the fact that he is jobless and has no workplace to go to. Though participating in household activities is good for him to relieve the tension, let him do it only if he is willing.

Cut down on budget

You should try to cut down on extra expenses like vacation or dining out. Your husband will also appreciate your gesture of foregoing your indulgences for the larger interests of your family. Since your husband is already aware of financial problems, do not make him feel more embarrassed by talking about it all the time.

Share some lighter moments

As your husband is spending more time at home, try to relieve his stress by sharing some moments of love and affection like enjoying a romantic movie or a hot cup of coffee on the porch.

If you manage difficult times with wisdom in relationships, you will be able to build fruitful, loving relationships that can withstand the toughest challenges.

Patience Pays: Wisie Wisdom Video for Love Advice


Friday, July 6, 2012

Relationship Help: Don't Let Suspicions Destroy your Marriage Relationships

“Pure love and suspicion cannot dwell together: at the door where the latter enters, the former makes its exit.” ~ Alexandre Dumas

Did a fleeting shred of doubt cross your mind when you called your spouse and didn’t get an answer? Do you get edgy and suspicious when your partner's mobile is switched off?

A love relationship stands on a foundation of love, understanding and trust. Being suspicious of your partner can destroy loving, beautiful relationships. Suspicion, born out of insecurities and lack of trust can prove fatal for any love relationship or marriage.

“I've learned that it takes years to build up trust, and it only takes suspicion, not proof, to destroy it.” - Anonymous

Stop being sneaky

Frequently calling your partner, just to keep a tab or what he or she is doing or where he is going can drive anyone up the wall. Or searching your partner's shirt pockets, sniffing their clothes for any unfamiliar perfume or going through your spouse' phone book or mails and other such sneaky habits can lead to strife in a marriage relationship

When the suspicion bug bites, you can even end up reading too much into how someone shakes hands, hugs or exchange greetings with your partner in public functions and jumping to conclusions.

What do you think all this leads to? Just think for a while, does being suspicious solve any problem? Suspicion is a malaise that can kill any relationship. It can make a partner who is sincere and loyal find it difficult to tolerate an unhealthy atmosphere of suspicion. 

You may end your relationship based purely on your self-imagined suspicions but keep in mind once you are gripped by a disease called suspicion, it will affect your future relationships as well.

Relationship help: Talk with your partner

If you have doubts on your partner better is to confront him/her. The best advice for relationship for a healthy married life is to talk to your partner and have an honest discussion. 

Share your doubts without blaming or pointing fingers at your spouse. Whether you have doubts about your partner having an extra-marital affair, or doing drugs or flirting with his/her colleagues; the best remedy is to talk. 

Wisdom for love: Sit with your partner and tell him/her your feelings. This will make your partner feel loved if you confide in him and clear out any doubts and misunderstandings as well.

As Samuel Johnson once said, "Suspicion is most often useless pain." Why you should go through this mental trauma when it is your hands to create a beautiful relationship?